honestly WEST

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Got 5 minutes?

Lately, I have felt like getting ready in the morning has been tough.  I don't know if it's the cold weather, or getting back in the swing of things after Christmas break, but I've found I don't have as much time as I'd like (said every mother since the beginning of time!)  These are my essentials before I head out the door.  If nothing else, I at least take 5 minutes to do the following...

1.  Put concealer under the eyes and anywhere else that needs a tad bit of coverage (Nyx high definition concealer in Beige)

2. Bronzer (Tarte amazonian clay matte bronzer in park ave princess)

3. Blush (Nars blush in desire)

4. Highlighter (Too Faced candlelight glow)

5. Curl lashes (Tweezerman eyelash curler; add mascara IF time!)

6. Part hair somewhere new and use dry shampoo (Macadamia volumizing dry shampoo)

And that's it!  Remember when I said in the beginning of the school year to remove your leggings/yoga pants? Hahahaha, yeah.  I try but I at LEAST do these 6 steps first.  I need to follow my own advice and set my clothes out next to the kids each night so I can grab them and go in the morning!  Hope this helps you all as well.  Have a great weekend!!