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Need second day hair ideas?

Okay, so your hair stylist has been telling you for years, don't wash your hair every day!  You are finally ready to try going every other day.  So what do you do with it on the second day???  Here are a few ideas.  (This also works if you are that person who showers at night.  By morning, your hair is still clean, but it needs a little help, right?!)

1.  Spray in a dry shampoo.  There are many options all over the price spectrum that will suit your needs to freshen up those locks.

2..  Curl your hair.  I find your hair actually holds the curl more and looks BETTER on the second day.

3.  A sleek, low messy bun.  What's more classic and chic than that?

4.  Part your hair in a new place.  Spray dry shampoo. You're done.

Moroccanoil dry shampoo

Macadamia dry shampoo

(These ideas may seem obvious...but sometimes we just need that reminder to try something out of the box, and simple yet pretty rather than just throwing it into a ponytail with the dreaded....headband) Good luck!