honestly WEST

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Checking in...

Well hello, friends! So much to catch up on and discuss, so I figured I’d put all my thoughts down here. Last night I opened up my old school paper calendar and begin crossing everything out that had been cancelled. The fashion soulstice fashion show. Birthday parties for our friends. My collab shoot set for TODAY. Our spring break trip to Disneyland. We won’t be able to have a birthday party for Win’s 8th birthday in April. The one that got me the most was our spring dance performance. I knew this one was coming, but as I read the news last night, I started crying. DANCE is my happy place…and coming out of the darkest winter I’ve ever experienced,
(literally and figuratively) I was clinging to spring and all of the many opportunities on the horizon.

The latest good thing on the horizon for me…a new job! This has been something I’ve worked toward for a long time. I started my fashion blog nearly 5 years ago and was always heading toward a goal, but questioning myself every step of the way and wondering where it would lead me! I feel like I’ve landed right where I’m supposed to be…(and though it’s somewhat delayed due to our current situation) I’m so grateful to find what the kids are calling “my dream job!” I’ll be working at Styled Seattle as a wardrobe stylist and I am so so so grateful, excited and honored!

Thank for letting me vent and work through my feelings today! I feel better already, and I know everyone else is going through these same types of emotions. This is temporary. Let’s remember that, and lean into spending real quality time with our families. Our kids have been AMAZING through this and have been such good sports. When I told them Disneyland was cancelled, but they just “okay, mom!” and carried on playing! I find myself leaning on THEM through this as they are their normal, happy selves and that’s a great comfort! (Ask me again how it’s going once we really dive into this whole home school thing!)

Love you all so very much, and I’m so grateful to have a place to write, unleash my feelings. and find some support. I am here for you all too! Vent if you need to. Call me, write me, or let’s video chat! It will save us during this strange and hard time!!!

Oh and by the way, HAPPY ST PATRICK’S DAY!

Photos by Sara Ranlett

Makeup by Letter 7 Beauty