honestly WEST

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Hi, loves. It’s been a bit since I created content and actually posted on here. Wow, I sure got distracted by all the wrong things for nearly a year. It’s funny, I feel like my old self again, but it’s because I am remembering WHAT ACTUALLY BRINGS ME JOY and I’m learning to tune out the noise of others voices and opinions. Last fall brought about many changes and I found myself frantically looking for a new job. I needed more money and stability and I jumped at something that I thought I SHOULD do. Enter, Mario’s. For those of you who don’t know what Mario’s even is, (no, it’s not a pizza joint) it’s a high end clothing store in downtown Seattle. Very competitive, lots of big personalities, benefits, room to grow, it seemed like the answer I was searching for. I started there when I was feeling pretty lonely and lost. What I found though was something pretty remarkable. I found friends. I found creative people. I found myself again and started to laugh. Like really laugh! I actually came to adore the people at Mario’s more than expected. They took me in, helped me when I was very sick with covid, reminded me that I’m talented and funny. They also reminded me that I needed something else and that I’d never be truly happy there. Honesty from coworkers and friends is what I value most. I knew I had to go and follow my heart in a different direction… enter my next venture. I am now going back to my roots and will be a bridal stylist at Grace Loves Lace! I feel my heart pulling me there and I know it’s the right move. I have so much hope for a fresh start and will always value and appreciate all of the people I’ve met along the way in this career I’m building. It sure hasn’t been easy, but I’m learning to trust my instincts and go with what feels RIGHT. I have another creative project I’m working on that I can’t wait to tell you all about! It’s something else that I have always felt called to do. I always knew I’d be doing something different than everyone else, and I’m finally leaning into it instead of pushing it down and saving it for another day. I am happy and excited for what’s to come. My mom told me about a year ago that I was like a lion that had just been let out of a cage. Maybe she’s right. Whether the cage was self built, created by society or my past relationships, (maybe a bit of it all) I am happy to be free and truly following what my soul is calling me to do. I have a fire in me and I’m not stopping now…I will keep climbing…

(photos by https://thegreyedit.com/)