10 years


Today marks our 10 year anniversary! 10 years ago we got married, packed up, and moved across the country.  I was young, had never been to DC, and didn't have a job lined up.  But I wasn't scared because I knew I'd have the man of my dreams by my side.  Thank you babe for always making me feel safe.  Loved.  I knew no matter what happened, we'd have each other.  I'm so glad we picked up again and moved down to Charlotte.  We've always trusted our gut, and I think it's paid off.  Thank you for trusting me and loving me and always letting me just be "me."  I know it hasn't been easy.  I don't fit that perfect mold and am just now figuring out my passions in life, but you've supported me while I've taken the road less traveled.  I love you so much and love our hilarious and loving Mae and Winston.  Thank you for all you do for us and for making us laugh constantly.  I love you, and I love our family, and I couldn't imagine my life without you 3.  It just wouldn't be complete.  So happy anniversary, my love.  To the man who gets me.  Who makes me laugh, and laughs at my jokes.  Who tells me to leave the house for a break just before I totally lose it.  Who tells me to "do a pirouette for me" as I leave for my ballet class.  I'm so glad we chose to dance together in this crazy life.  Let's keep doing it until we're old and grey.  Even if we nearly break a hip.

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