Maintaining a beautiful space WITH kids!


Today is one of those cold winter days where I decided we would just stay home.  No preschool, no play dates, no errands.  We'll just stay home and enjoy each others company. 

While I savor these moments with my kids, I definitely do still like my home to look tidy and pretty.  I have set out to achieve this goal over the past 6 years, and I feel like I've finally found the perfect balance.  Though I want my kids to play and have fun and enjoy our home, I don't need toys everywhere and bright obnoxious colors surrounding me all day.  I am really affected by my surroundings, and I like them to be pretty! (My hubby will tell you, I don't even like going to a restaurant if the decor isn't pretty or cozy and quaint.)  I found this beautiful white tee pee on amazon last spring and added the little white lights to make it even more cozy and fun.   My kids adore it and we love to set it up especially in the winter when it's too cold to play outside.  It's so fun for the kids yet it's not an eyesore for me, so it's a win win!  I love anything white and especially the sweet addition of twinkly lights. 

I encourage you to try this idea out.  Your kids will surely enjoy the cozy details you add to your home.  Winston just said to me this morning, "Mom, I love these pretty pillows and blankets!"  I agree.  He's got good taste! Stay warm out there and hope you all are having a lovely week!

Tee pee:



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