Beat the January blues


This time of year is always a little hard for me.  The tree is down, the extra twinkly lights are gone, and it's cold and dark.  Sometimes it's reallllly hard for me to snap out of the gloom and perk myself up.  Here are a few little things I do to help beat the January blues...

1.  Go right back into your Christmas decor/light box and string those Christmas lights back up.  Just because the holidays are over doesn't mean we don't need some extra cozy lighting in the house.

2.  Grab the brightest jewelry you have and put it on with your tee shirt and jeans.  New years eve isn't the only time we need a little boost and excitement in our wardrobe.  You will bring people cheer where ever you go.

3.  Pull out the dresses or spring shirts you've been itching to wear and find a way to make them work.  Layer a cute dress over skinny jeans or leather leggings and add some adorable sneakers.  Wear a floral or boho top with some wool pants and a cozy sweater.  Add layers and a furry scarf to make it winter appropriate.  You'll be warm but bright and colorful and I guarantee it will cheer you up.  This one may seem a bit crazy, but I'm telling you, every time I blend the seasons like this it's liberating to throw out the rules and do what I really want.  Generally I'll receive a compliment or two as well so it must be worth trying, right?

Hope these tips help you beat the blues.  Stay warm out there! I think I'm gonna run to Starbucks with my gift card now...stay tuned for more ways to beat this cold, dark month!



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