My 2 rules when styling a fall outfit


When it comes to styling an outfit, those of you who know me well have learned that I love mixing casual pieces with dressed up ones.  I am always trying to find that perfect balance.  Well the same goes for any seasonal look.  My two big rules for classic fall staples like a scarf and booties are as follows...

1.  A statement scarf.  If I wear a big, cozy scarf, I don't pair it with boots. It's almost too much fall at one time, if that makes sense.  It's overkill.  Instead, pair it with something unexpected, like a cool pair of sneakers.

2.  Booties.  When I wear booties, I try to balance out the rest of my outfit by wearing something unique with them.  Don't wear them with jeans and a scarf.  Instead, wear them with a sleek dress or leather pants.  (A sleek dress is my favorite thing to pair with mine...see "Silver" post below)

Blanket scarf

Studded boots

More affordable boot option for $39.90!