Instagram lately


Good morning, sweet friends!  I wanted to take a minute this morning to show you all what I've been up to on the blog and on Instagram.  I know a lot of you don't follow me on IG, or maybe even don't have an Instagram account, so I wanted to share these little snip its of my life with you!

Instagram has become super important in my life.  To many it's a place to share photos of your family and daily life, but for me, it's literally one of the ONLY ways I can show my ideas and photos and attempt to create something that will hopefully ONE DAY become my career.  It's a way to connect with people.  To reach new and old people.  It's basically my portfolio and a great place for people to see what my blog is all about and the general vibe of what I do!  I choose every photo carefully with a greater purpose in mind.  A lot more goes into it than people probably think!

I've decided it would be a great idea to take a few pictures of my IG and share it here on the blog as well as kind of a roundup of what I've worked on for that month.  Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this process.  It's been a work in progress, that's for sure.  I am always learning and growing and trying to be better.  It is definitely a passion of mine so I will continue this journey one day at a time. 

I hope you're all having a wonderful week!  If you have questions about anything you've seen on IG, let me know!  Oh, and for those of you who don't already, follow along with me if you want @honestlywest!