Push 'til the end


It's nearing the end of the school year, which means I'm desperately trying to push until that very last day of school.  Preschool graduation, end of year parties, teacher appreciations, papers to be signed, money to be sent in, room mom duties, emails needing to go out, blogging duties, the list goes on and on.  Our dance recital is also in sight, which means lots of extra practices (every day this week so far) to get those turns and leaps just right.  Let's not forget laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, planning a baby shower for a friend, school drop offs and pick ups....does anyone else feel like they are ALWAYS in the car?  I have heard Bruno Mars and Ed Sheeran on the radio about a million times just this week. 

I love all of it, and wouldn't change a thing, but man, sometimes I feel like the only time I am sitting down is when I'm in the car.  (Or blogging, which still sometimes feels like a lot of work!) 

I'm quite exhausted, so sweats it is.  I'm headed to get popsicles for my son's party on Friday, and to figure out who's gonna get the pizza there by 11:15...


Knit joggers

Similar leather jacket


Ear cuff