Simple winter face


The last few weeks, I've cut back on my makeup routine and kept it simple.  I have had such dry skin, so I started using the Mary Kay moisture renewing gel mask.  If any of you have had a dry face this winter, I definitely recommend finding a moisture mask like this one, plus don't forget to moisturize every single day!  I've been trying to embrace my pale winter face and have even been skipping my bronzer/blush, eyeshadow and liner!

Hare are the quick 5 products I've been using for an easy winter look:

1.  Clinique beyond perfecting foundation (I wear the color "linen")

2.  Tarte shape tape concealer (in fair neutral)

3.  Nyx tinted brow mascara in chocolate 

4.  Mary Kay lash love (I wear two coats)

5.  Nyx matte lipstick in pure red