The story of the black dress...


I don't know if I've ever written about this story on the blog, but I thought today would be the perfect day since I was wearing the dress that inspired me in the first place.

About 4 years ago, I was out shopping with the kids.  They were pretty young at this point, and I was definitely in the motherhood trenches.  Still breastfeeding, feeling frumpy pretty much every day...I loved being a mom, that was never the problem, but I just felt like something was missing and that I could be happier in my life.

I spotted this dress in a store window and fell in love with it.  I thought to myself, be serious Anna, where would you wear it?  I kept pushing the stroller and took the kids to the bookstore.  About an hour later I had to pass by the dress again on the way to the car.  I had stars in my eyes looking at it and knew I had to have it.  I distinctly remember telling the woman at the counter, "I have absolutely NOWHERE to wear this dress, but oh well, I'm buying it anyway!"

This is when things started to change.  I got home and thought, why do I need to have a special event to attend just to wear something pretty and something that makes me happy?  Why don't I deserve to feel special and pretty every day?  Even though I'm a mom and not really going anywhere particularly fancy?  I felt like I didn't deserve to have something new or nice.  I quickly realized that this was absurd.  I did deserve it.  In fact, I NEEDED it to feel whole again.  For a few months after this, I kept thinking...I need to start a blog.  I want to write about all of these big feelings.  About motherhood.  Fashion.  Aging.  Creativity.  I wanted to write about it all, and maybe inspire other mothers or women along the way who also felt stuck and like they needed a wake up call.  

It's been over 3 years now since I started Honestly West, and I've loved every second of it.  I feel like I was meant to create it.  It fills my bucket and makes me insanely happy.  Hearing people say they read it truly lifts me up.  I NEED it and LOVE it and will continue to work on it for years to come.  

Everyone deserves to feel special, and to have that creative outlet that makes them feel like they are whole and lifted up and good.  To those of you who have followed along on this entire journey, I couldn't have done it without you.  Thank you for your continued support.  All this from one damn moment and one little black dress in a store window... but that is the absolute point.  Wear what you love not matter what you're life is like, or where you are going.  Wear it because it makes you feel good, and because you deserve it!

Anna Dunbar1 Comment