Farewell, Charlotte


The countdown is on...we officially leave Charlotte, NC in 3 weeks.  I admit, it has been a bit of a roller coaster, as the goodbye's have already begun.  To many of you, I've simply said, "this can't be the last time I ever see you!"  and demanded we have one last coffee/night out/heart to heart.  I feel as though there will never be enough time to spend with those dear to me here.  I keep saying I need more time.  One more day, one more dance class...  but I know the time will pass quickly and we'll be packing up the house soon.  Saying goodbye to our first home.  The one where we became a family.  We already painted over the kids heights that we measured and marked on their doors, and I know watching them play one more time in our backyard will most definitely be soul crushing.

It's funny, we have wanted to leave for over a year, and I am honestly so excited to be closer to family.  To continue those strong connections and lifelong friendships that are waiting for me there.  BUT, I truly underestimated just how damn hard it would be to leave.  I have cried a lot.  Saying goodbye to friends I've had for 10 years, neighbors I've leaned on and celebrated with, the teachers at the kids school, the fellow dancers I've come to enjoy dancing alongside of.  Though I admit it was hard for me to figure out where I belonged here,  now that I've found my tribe, it makes it that much harder to leave.

I will remember the good times we had here.  10 years of great memories.  Where I become a mom and learned how to navigate parenthood, where I found myself again and began my blogging journey.  Where I picked up dancing after a 15 year hiatus and fell in love with my dear friends I met in class.  I'll never forget a second of it and am grateful to have met you all along the way. 

Cheers to my dear Charlotte friends.  I'll love you forever and will never forget you!


Track pants
